Addressing Overfitting Issues in Machine Learning


So, you've constructed a model that yields an 85% accuracy on the training data and a 62% accuracy on the test data. This discrepancy indicates the presence of overfitting.

Overfitting occurs when the model becomes proficient at capturing the patterns within the training data but struggles to generalize its predictions to new, unseen data.

Essentially, it exhibits low bias with the training data and high variance with the test data. The consequence of overfitting is diminished performance when confronted with unfamiliar data.

What techniques can you employ to address the issue of overfitting?

1. Increase training data: Increasing the quality and quantity of the training data can help reduce or eliminate overfitting. Having more data will enable the model to learn better patterns and reduce the influence of noise or outliers.

2. Ensemble Models: Certain models, like decision trees, are prone to overfitting. Ensemble models like Random Forest and Gradient Boosting can help reduce overfitting. They eliminate overfitting by combining the strength of multiple models and reducing individual model biases.

3. Training for Fewer Epochs: This applies majorly to deep learning models. Training for too many iterations can lead to overfitting. Monitoring the model's performance on validation data and stopping the training process when the performance stops improving will prevent the model from fitting the noise in the training data. This is achieved by including the EarlyStopping callback to monitor the validation loss in the TensorFlow model fit.

4. Feature Selection: Irrelevant or redundant features can introduce noise which can lead to overfitting in the model. Feature selection techniques like Chi-square, Correlation coefficients, and Information gain can help identify relevant and informative features.

5. Simplifying the Model: Simplifying the model architecture and reducing model parameters can help prevent overfitting. For example, reducing the number of layers or the number of hidden neurons can mitigate overfitting in deep learning models.

6. Regularization: For regression analysis, popular regularization techniques, L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization add a penalty term to the model's loss function, discouraging excessive complexity and reducing overfitting. These methods shrink the coefficients of less important features.


Keep in mind that data science primarily involves experimentation and exploration. To attain the desired outcome, a combination of these methods and others will be necessary.

Please provide your thoughts on the techniques you employ when addressing the issue of overfitting. I would appreciate it if you could share your insights in the comments section.